Tobee® Warman Slurry Pump Volute liners

Tobee® Slurry Pump Volute liners are interchangeable with warman slurry pump volute lines, It is also one of wetted parts for slurry pumps. It forms a pump chamber with throatbush and frame plate liner insert and so slurry will wash them, Slurry pump volute Liner is a curved funnel increasing in area to the discharge port. It is often used together with impeller for slurry pumps. As the area of the cross-section increases, the volute reduces the speed of the liquid and increases the pressure of the liquid. The main purposes of a volute casing is to help balance the hydraulic pressure on the shaft of the slurry pump. materials can be high chrome alloy, Natural Rubber, Polyurethane for different working applications.

Slurry Pump Components Drawing:

Slurry Pump Components Drawing

Interchangeable Slurry Pump Volute Liner Code:

Volute Liner CodeTobee TH Slurry PumpWarman AH Slurry PumpMaterials
B1110TH1.5/1B1.5/1B-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
B15110TH2/1.5B2/1.5B-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
C2110TH3/2C3/2C-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
D3110TH4/3C, TH4/3D4/3C-AH, 4/3D-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
E4110TH6/4D, TH6/4E6/4D-AH, 6/4E-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
F6110TH8/6E, TH8/6F8/6E-AH, 8/6F-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
G8110TH10/8F, TH10/8T10/8F-AH, 10/8T-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
G10110TH12/10F, TH12/10ST12/10F-AH, 12/10T-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber
G12110TH14/12F, TH14/12ST14/12F-AH, 14/12T-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber
H14110TH16/14TU16/14TU-AHHigh chrome, Natural rubber
Volute Liner CodeTobee THH Slurry PumpWarman HH Slurry PumpMaterials
CH1110THH1.5/1C1.5/1C-HHHigh chrome
DH2110THH3/2D3/2D-HHHigh chrome
EH3110THH4/3E4/3E-HHHigh chrome
FH4110THH6/4F6/4F-HHHigh chrome
FH4110THH6H6-HHigh chrome
Volute Liner CodeTobee TM Slurry PumpWarman M Slurry PumpMaterials
F8110TM10/8 E, TM10/8F, TM10/8R10/8E-M, 10/8F-M,10/8R-MHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
F10110TM12/10E, TM12/10F12/10E-M, 12/10F-MHigh chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
Volute Liner CodeTobee TL Slurry PumpWarman L Slurry PumpMaterials
AL2110TL20A20A-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
BL5110TL50B50B-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
CL75110TL75C75C-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
DL10110TL100D100D-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
EL15110TL150E150E-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
SL20110TL200E200E-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
SL30110TL300S300S-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
SL35110TL350S350S-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
TL40110TL400ST400ST-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
TL45110TL450ST450ST-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber
UL55110TL550TU550TU-LHigh chrome, Natural rubber

Tobee® Slurry Pump Materials Description and Peformance:

T0527% High chrome alloyHRC≥60Erosion resistance is marginally lower than T07 and has corrosion resistance.Used for high wear applications with a slurry pH between 5 and 12.
T0715% High chrome alloyHRC≥62Excellent erosion resistance and has higher wear resistance than T05Mining pumps ideal for high impact and high pressure applications, such as pumping slurries with sharp, hard, and coarse solids at high flow rate.
T1230% Ultra chrome alloyHRC≥65With abrasion resistance better than T05 and T07.Suitable for highly abrasive pumping applications.
T3335% Hyper chrome alloyHRC=35This material has erosive and corrosive resistance in low pH applications. Its abrasion resistance is higher than that of M49.The material can be used to transport oxygenated slurries with pH of not less than 1 such as phosphor-plaster, nitric acid, vitriol, phosphate etc
T4929% High chrome alloyHRC=43With a certain degree of scour resistance and good corrosion resistance under low pH conditions. Its abrasion resistance is higher than T05.Particularly suitable for use in flue gas desulphurization as well as mild acid applications with pH value no less than 4.
RU26Natural RubberShore(A)=40-55High resistance to abrasion and corrosionAn optimal choice for conveying acid slurry and slurry with fine granular particles at ambient temperature.
SY45Butyl RubberShore(A)=60Resistance to corrosion, abrasion, and high temperatureIdeal for transporting acid slurry and slurry with fine solid particles at temperatures between 60 and120.
SY31Hypalon Rubber
Ultra-high resistance to corrosion and high temperatureSuitable for pumping strong acids and alkalis with temperatures above 100.
PU01PolyurethaneShore A10-D80   
PU01 is an erosion resistant material that performs well in elastomer applications where 'tramp' is a problem.
Suitable for pumping high abrasion with high corrosion medium.

Range of Applications of Slurry Pumps:

Range of Applications of Slurry Pumps
Tobee® Slurry Pump parts widely used for Mining, Mineral Processing, Sand and Gravel, Coal Prep, Chemical Slurry Service, Cyclone Feeds, Aggregate Processing, Wet crushers, SAG mill discharge, Fine Primary Mill Grinding, Tailings, Secondary Grinding, Bottom/fly ash slurries, Pulp And Paper, Food Processing, Cracking Operations, Gypsum slurries, Pipeline Transport, High Velocity Hydraulic Transport,Food Processing, Explosive Sludge In Metal Smelting, River And Pond Dredging, Heavy Refuse Removal, Larger Particle Or Low NPSHA Applications, Continuous (Snore) Sump Pump Operation, Abrasive Slurries, High Density Slurries, Large Particle Slurries, Sump Drainage, Wash down, Floor Drainage, Mixing, Iron Ore, Cooper, Diamond, Aluminum oxide, Gold, Kaolin, Phosphorite, Steel, Palm, Suger, Chemical, Power, FGD, Frac Sand Blending, Waste water, Flotation etc. 

Add:Hi-tech Development Zone | Shijiazhuang City | Hebei Province | China. | Skype:Tobee.pump | Mob:+86-18032034573 |

